About Us
Safety, Health and Environmental Management (SHE) is the responsibility of each individual in a workplace. As a model corporate citizen, each company is accountable to establish an integrated process towards the management of its risks, impacts and practices by its employees towards efficiently and effectively achieving its objectives.
Minimum standards and requirements need to be specified which are based on legal compliance, best SHE practices and world class norms with the objective is to ensure that the expectations of employees, customers, shareholders and all other relevant stakeholders are exceeded.
HAS-CON is a provider of occupational safety, health and environmental (SHE) compliance information to assist companies to achieve the above and to comply to the legal requirements of the South African Occupational Health and Safety Act and its integrated standards.
HAS-CON has developed a Safety Health and Environment Companion as a valuable tool which can assist Health & Safety Risk Control Managers, Health & Safety Representatives, Employer Representatives, Supervisors & Employers to develop and maintain a SHE system for their workplace.